Hey wonderful people! :)
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend?! I had a very relaxed day on Saturday, went shopping for my sisters birthday and yes of-course i bought something for myself as well :P hehe...
Sunday was quite hectic went to church, had lunch and yummy peanut-butter pie, went to my youth.. That how most of my Sundays go.
So at my youth the person who gave talk put something very nicely and I'd thought I"ll share it with you.
This term we are talking about love. Last week the one thing that was really nice that he said was that, "Gods heart beats for you" God love you so much He sent His only Son for us.
Yesterday the thing that stood out for me was, "You are dirty, and when you with other people and you are nice to them you rub your dirt off on them. Then they look at the dirt and go I want to be dirty as well."-Deluan... Ok so let me just say the dirt in love.
So in this week rub your DIRT (love) off on others! No matter what race, colour, culture, homeless, murderer, etc.
Keep on loving,
Enjoy the week ahead.
Much Love Anschke